Privacy & Collection Policy

Empathetic Counselling & Psychotherapy (ECP - 20317123814) complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and the applicable Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act when handling personal information, together with the Health Records Act 2001 [NSW and the applicable Health Privacy Principles in the Health Records Act when handling personal information which is health information.

ECP takes the protection of your personal information seriously. Personal information includes any information or opinion, whether true or not, about a person who is identified or whose identity can reasonably be established.

Data Collection Practices
ECP collects personal information for the purposes of providing you with a counselling service. As part of this service, it is possible that the practice may need to collect information about things like how to contact you to arrange an appointment ECP may collect information via the practice Consent Forms or other company forms that you complete, via our online booking system if you use that and via administration, or through our website and 

The kind of personal and health information that ECP may collect will depend on who you are (e.g. a client or third-party service provider) and the nature of your connection with ECP  This information may include things like: 

  • your full name

  • address

  • email address

  • date of birth

  • Medicare details

  • billing information

  • general appointment information and other personal information. 

It is important that you are aware that failure to provide ECP with all the information requested, means ECP may not be able to deliver the counselling and psychotherapy services that you have requested.

ECP collects personal information in the following ways:

  • from you when you make an inquiry, book an appointment, email the practice, phone the practice, engage with the practice on social media, complete documentation, in a counselling session where you request a letter or report, where you complete an assessment or make an online booking;

  • from third party service providers – if you are referred through an EAP / doctor / or other third party, they usually provide us with your contact information and other information relevant to the referral;

  • when we receive enquiries through and when the website is otherwise accessed or used;

The kind of personal information ECP may collect will depend on who you are (e.g. a client or third party service provider) and the nature of your interaction with us, and may include your full name, address, email address, date of birth, Medicare details, billing information, general appointment information and other personal information. If you do not provide us with all the information requested, ECP may not be able to deliver the counselling services requested.

You consent to ECP collecting, using and disclosing your personal and health information for the purpose of complying with this privacy policy. By booking an appointment, making an inquiry, registering your details via our website / phone / email / SMS / social media contact / fax or other and or by completing a consent form, you provide ECP with consent to collect, use and disclose your personal and health information for the purpose covered in this privacy policy.

Information and Use
In the course of providing you with services ECP may use the information that you have provided to ECP including personal and health information, in order to provide you with counselling and Psychotherapy services, send you an electronic newsletter, respond to feedback and complaints, utilise the ECP, correspond with you and if required, enforce our client consent form / payment arrangement form.

Quality and Security of Data Collected
ECP takes reasonable steps to protect personal information collected and secure it from misuse, loss and interference and from unauthorised access and modification. ECP  endeavours to ensure all such information collected is up-to-date and complete at the time it is collected, used or disclosed. 

To ensure your information is accurate, please notify ECP You can do this by emailing ECP

Health Information Collected
ECP complies with the Health Privacy Principles and the ethical guidelines of Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and Psychotherapy Federation of Australia (PACFA) in the collection, use and disclosure of all health information and to ensure that it is kept confidential.

ECP may collect your health information when you attend the practice and/or at any other time from time-to-time in the course of providing counselling services.

 Your information may be collected for, but is not limited to, the following reasons:

  • as it is required for the provision of counselling services, including recording your personal information and health information as relevant to your current situation for the purposes of providing therapeutic intervention, writing reports and summaries;

  • only as essential for the provision of counselling services, or as otherwise in accordance with your consent, or as may be required by law;

  • only from you (or from someone authorised by you with your written consent) 

  • in accordance with the code of ethics set out by ACA / PACFA 

  • with accuracy, on the basis that you may at any time request a copy of the health information that [INSERT BUSINESS NAME] has collected by emailing us at and where our records are found to be inaccurate, we will rectify any inaccuracies on the basis of the further information you provide.

Access, Updates and Complaints
ECP will provide you with access to your personal and health information that has been collected, subject to any legal exceptions, at your written request. Please also let us know if you have any concerns, questions or complaints so that ECP can address them promptly for you, by sending an email to Where are our records are found to be inaccurate, ECP will promptly correct any inaccuracies on the grounds of updated information that you provide.

ECP discloses personal information to additional third parties with your consent in accordance with this privacy policy or if permitted, authorised or required to do so by any relevant Federal or State or Territory law.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
From time to time, ECP may make amendments to this privacy policy. Any changes will be effective immediately upon the uploading of the revised privacy policy on . By continuing to use the ECP website and/or the counselling service following any changes, you will be deemed to have agreed to such changes. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, as amended from time to time, in whole or part, you must terminate your use of the website and inform us immediately prior to any further receipt of our counselling services.

Contact Us
If you have any questions about this privacy policy please contacted Empathetic Counselling and Psychotherapy at