Anxiety Therapist In-Person in canberra & Online Across AU

Feel more confident & find peace within.

Your mind constantly comes up with new things to stress over and worry about—and it’s beginning to affect every part of your life.

At work, in your relationships, and in your social life—you’re constantly on edge and unable to connect with others the way you’d like to. If anyone ever asks, you pretend you’re fine, but it’s becoming harder and harder to keep the facade up. When you do slip up or have to face conflict, you not only blame yourself but also draw the conclusion that you’re just not good enough.

Maybe you’ve been going through a change in your life—like a divorce or breakup, becoming a parent or entering a new stage of parenthood, losing a loved one, changes in your career, immigrating, or something else—that’s made it even harder to settle your worries. When you’re not even sure what your life is going to be like in the near future, it’s hard to feel sure of anything.

Maybe you’ve been struggling with…

  • Managing daily tasks, unable to properly focus on work, school, or personal responsibilities

  • Being unable to relax at the end of the day and feeling tense even when nothing’s wrong

  • Feeling like you can’t do things you used to love because your anxiety won’t let you enjoy them

  • Making decisions, feeling fearful that you’ll do the wrong thing

  • Communicating effectively in your relationships

  • Feeling overwhelmed by racing thoughts, unable to calm yourself down


Helping you learn to cultivate calm in the present.

Please know that whatever you’re feeling is welcome here—I will never judge or criticize you. My goal is that you always feel heard, understood, and accepted in our sessions. Together, we’ll collaborate to address your needs and find coping skills that work for you, and I’ll help guide you toward the life you want to be living.

At the beginning of our work together, we’ll discuss what you’re currently going through and I’ll help you understand where your anxious feelings may be coming from. Over time, we’ll start to recognize any patterns that come up in your thoughts and learn how to disrupt overthinking so you can keep your attention in the present.

We’ll also practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques together, which will help you reduce the amount of stress you feel on a daily basis—and I’ll encourage you to try practicing these techniques on your own outside our sessions, too. Sometimes, I might send you home with assignments if I feel it would be helpful. These assignments may include journaling, challenging you to do something you’ve been avoiding, monitoring your feelings, and more.

I’ll regularly check in with you to see how you’re feeling about the work we’re doing, and we can always adjust the approach we take if something isn’t working for you. My hope is that through this work, you’ll regain a sense of control over your emotions and actions, and start to feel more confident about the way you show up in your life.

Therapy for anxiety & change can help you…

  • Understand the underlying causes of your anxieties, thoughts, feelings, and behavior

  • Find coping strategies—like deep breathing, mindfulness techniques, and more—that work for you

  • Feel empowered to make positive changes in your life

  • Problem-solve and navigate future challenges with confidence

  • Communicate more effectively, set boundaries, and improve relationships

  • Feel validated, supported, and less ashamed of your emotions

A future full of hope, understanding, & well-being awaits.


Frequently asked questions

  • Anxiety can feel like a knot in your stomach, a racing heart, or a sense of impending doom. It's that feeling of worry or unease that just won't go away, even when there's no clear reason for it.

  • It's normal to feel anxious from time to time, especially in stressful situations. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming or starts interfering with daily life, it might be helpful to seek support to learn coping strategies and manage symptoms.

  • Yes, anxiety can cause physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, stomach upset, and fatigue. When our bodies go into "fight or flight" mode in response to anxiety, it can lead to a range of physical sensations as our system ramps up to deal with perceived threats. Therapy can help you learn techniques to manage and lessen any physical symptoms related to anxiety.

  • I draw on several different methods to help my clients with anxiety, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI). You can read more about the methods I use by visiting my About page. I also use EMDR, which you can learn more about here.