EMDR Therapy In-Person in canberra & Online Across AU

Heal from what’s happened & move forward.

The things you experienced in the past have lingered in your life, even though you’d rather leave them behind.

If you’ve been through a traumatic experience of any kind, you know that moving on from it is easier said than done. The after-effects of trauma can interfere with daily life, making it hard to function. Maybe you’ve had a hard time concentrating at work, or find it difficult to communicate with others because you fear how they might react. Or maybe it’s hard for you to maintain relationships—romantic or platonic—because you can’t trust people the way you used to.

Whatever you’ve been through—whether it was some kind of abuse, domestic violence, a natural disaster, or something else—EMDR may be able to help you heal and feel safe again.

EMDR can help you move forward from…

  • Traumatic events that happened in childhood or earlier in life

  • Symptoms of PTSD—like intrusive memories, flashbacks, or intense emotions

  • Coping strategies that may have served you in the past but are no longer helpful in the present—like using substances or codependency

  • Feelings of being broken, not good enough, unlovable, or a bad person

  • Feeling helpless, incapable of standing up for yourself, or unable to trust your own judgment

  • Feelings of shame or guilt about what happened to you


Using the mind-body connection to restore well-being.

You’ve likely been through a lot, and I want to acknowledge how brave it is to seek this kind of help. You should be proud of yourself—just taking this first step is an accomplishment—and EMDR truly does have the potential to change your life, well-being, and relationships.

Safety and trust are foundational to this process, so before we begin delving into your past, we’ll take as much time as you need to feel comfortable. You’ll never be judged for what you choose to share in our sessions—I’ve worked with women who have been through all kinds of traumatic experiences, and you can be assured that you’ll always be met with empathy and compassion. Your whole story and self are welcome here.

How EMDR Works

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. It’s an evidence-based method that has been proven to help people heal from traumatic experiences using bilateral stimulation techniques like eye movements, hand movements, or tapping on parts of your body.

  • The first is history taking, where we’ll discuss what’s brought you in and I’ll gather some background information to provide context. Then, preparation and assessment, where we’ll choose the memories we want to work on and I’ll help you understand how the treatment process will go before we get started.

    Next, desensitization and reprocessing, where we’ll go through the bilateral stimulation exercises as you focus on the target memory. This combination of physical and mental activity helps the memory get “unstuck” in your brain, and the feelings you associate with that memory will become less and less intense. I’ll be with you through this whole process, and you are always in control—if something becomes overwhelming, we can always slow down or stop.

    After you’ve reprocessed the memory, we’ll talk about the experience and find a sense of closure. This usually involves replacing an old belief with a new, more positive one. At the end of each session, the aim is that you feel relieved of some of the burdens you’re carrying, so you can connect to a sense of hope that the future can be brighter.

EMDR therapy can help you…

  • Develop better coping skills and strategies to manage intense emotions

  • Heal from painful past experiences and feel less affected by the memories of them

  • Identify, challenge, and reframe negative beliefs you have about yourself and the world

  • Understand what triggers you and how to respond when this happens

  • Foster greater self-awareness and insight into who you are

  • Feel a sense of closure and resolution from past traumas so you can move forward in your life

You deserve to feel safe in your mind & body.


Frequently asked questions

  • EMDR can help with a variety of issues, including PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, and phobias. It's like giving your brain a reset button, helping you process difficult memories and emotions in a healthier way.

  • The duration of EMDR therapy can vary depending on individual needs and the complexity of the issues being addressed. Some people find relief in just 6-12 sessions, while others might benefit from more extensive treatment over several months.

  • EMDR might not be the best choice for individuals who have difficulty managing their emotions or who are currently in crisis. It's important to have a stable support system in place before starting EMDR therapy, and I hope to become part of that support system for you.